Monday, April 23, 2012

May Mission Minute

The ELCA has launched a Malaria Campaign in Africa that has the goal of ending deaths from malaria by 2015. Synods and churches across the country are joining in to be apart of God’s work around the world. And it’s not just bishops, pastors, or congregational leaders starting campaigns, but youth in our own synod are leading the way! Here are 2 stories of inspirational youth that are taking their faith beyond words and putting it into action.

Last summer, camp Lutherhill supported the ELCA Malaria Campaign by educating campers about malaria and giving the campers ideas on how they could help (you may have seen the “Buzz Off” bracelets!).

“One student who attended camp, Haley a ten year old from Christ the King Lutheran Church in Houston, Texas, was very engaged in the educational activities led by the counselors about the ELCA Malaria Campaign. In September (many weeks after camp) she shared how important the malaria initiative is with her family and began thinking about ways she could get involved with the project. For several weeks, Haley did research on how malaria impacts children around the world, what can be done to help, and which organizations are doing research and making a difference. She complied her research into a presentation and paper that she presented to her elementary school and to her Sunday School Class at Christ the King. Haley organized several bake sales and lemonade stands and raised over $200 to donate to the ELCA Malaria Campaign. Then she spread the word further as she helped with the mission offering at church. Camping at Lutherhill is an important part of Haley’s faith journey as she finds concrete ways to put her faith in action.”

-Alicia Goodrow
Christ the King Lutheran Church in Houston, Texas

We are a church that stands together, and not divided. Youth of our synod come together from different congregations at camp or synod events to be God’s hands in the world.

“A letter to the Youth Minister at Living Word Lutheran Church in Katy, Texas:

Dear Jason, I understand via Living Word’s website that you are “the high school youth ministry guy.” If possible, I would appreciate your assistance in conveying a thank you to a 16-year-old member of Living Word named Brittany. I don’t have her last name. Brittany sent a letter to me in January regarding the ELCA Malaria Campaign.  Our confirmands had been looking for a group service project and I gave them Brittany’s letter. They sincerely took it as a sign from the Holy Spirit to take Brittany’s invitation to learn more about malaria, pray and help our congregation get involved. Over these last several weeks they have learned, prayed, done a skit for the congregation, created a video on YouTube, and raised money with a Gaga Ball tournament. They raised over $2,100! Though a small amount compared to what is needed, they learned a great deal from the experience and their growth will continue to make a difference in the lives of the people they touch for Jesus’ sake. I wanted to know that her letter was used by the God who loves and calls us all and to thank her for making a difference in the lives of our youth and in the lives of those who will be assisted by the ELCA Malaria Campaign.”

-Pastor Deb Grant
Faith Lutheran Church in Dickinson, Texas

Praise God for the youth leaders, parents, volunteers, and others who are shaping and growing the faith of our youth! Through your gifts, the youth of our synod can experience life-changing moments at camp, synod events, and through their youth leaders. Thank you!

For more information on the ELCA Malaria Campaign, visit
For more information on how your congregation can start it’s own campaign, click here.
To download a video about the ELCA Malaria Campaign to share with your congregation, click here

Our youth cannot be quiet about what they have seen and heard!

-Christine Donahue
TLGCS ELCA Mission Interpreter Coordinator

Monday, April 16, 2012


What a wonderful day this first Sunday after Easter was for the congregation of the Lutheran Church of the Galilean in LaPlace, LA!
Worship and a congregation luncheon was so different this Sunday.  We were honored with the presence of six veteran clients and the activities director, Sonya Hebert, from the Southeast Louisiana War Veterans Home in Reserve, LA.  They were there as part of our new community outreach program. 

At a recent church council meeting it was approved to use all the congregation’s Thrivent “Choice Dollars” to fund new community outreach programs.  The first of these outreach programs was inspired by the congregation’s ongoing program to provide used books to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, etc. 
It was recently proposed and approved to provide new, large print Bibles to the Southeast Louisiana Veterans Home in Reserve, LA.  After contacting the facility, the congregation proceeded to purchase 192 large print Bibles for the facility.  Today, April 15, following worship and lunch, a large group of members visited the veterans home to dedicate and distribute the Bibles.  The members provided refreshments for the veterans, visited with them, and personally delivered to each room a Bible for each client.  Every member who participated in this program came away so touched and filled with spirit of the Lord.  It was obvious that his spirit was present; and, so many of the clients were so touched that someone reached out to remember them.

Beside the congregation in attendance at this event, the local Thrivent Financial For Lutherans representatives and office staff was there with their new Treat Trolley.  They provided popcorn for all the attendees.

The Lutheran Church of the Galilean was so fortunate following Hurricane Katrina to receive financial help from over thirty different congregations throughout the United States.  The congregation is now in a position to use their “Choice Dollars” to create programs of this type for their community and give back.  

Carl L. Hilt